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Exercise 10: Mail Merging using the scrlttr2 Class (Solution)

This is a solution to Exercise 10. You need the sample files people.csv and country-codes.csv. Alternatively, if you want to use data from the samples SQL database, remember to use datatooltk to import the data to a .dbtex file and load it using \DTLloaddbtex as described in Loading Data From a .dbtex File.





    test{\ifdefstring{#1}{true}} or



\setkomavar{signature}{Mr Big Head, Managing Director}
\setkomavar{subject}{A sample letter}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{University of Somewhere\\Some City\\AB3 4YZ}
\setkomavar{location}{Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff\\Gov.\ Grant No.~1234}



\DTLforeach*{people}% data
{% assignments
{% body

  \DTLifnullorempty{\Title}{}{\Title\ }\Forenames\ \Surname\\%


   \opening{Dear \DTLifnullorempty{\Title}{\Forenames}{\Title} \Surname}

   This is an imaginary letter.

   This is the second paragraph of the letter.

   \closing{Yours sincerely}

   \ps PS: this is a postscript.

   \encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
    Photocopy of something rather dull}

   \cc{Prof Important Person\\Dr Bor Ing}

Another possibility is to use the optional argument of \DTLforeach* so that it excludes entries where the subscribed field isn't equal to 1 like this:






\setkomavar{signature}{Mr Big Head, Managing Director}
\setkomavar{subject}{A sample letter}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{University of Somewhere\\Some City\\AB3 4YZ}
\setkomavar{location}{Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff\\Gov.\ Grant No.~1234}



\DTLforeach*[\equal{\Subscribed}{1}]{people}% data
{% assignments
{% body

  \DTLifnullorempty{\Title}{}{\Title\ }\Forenames\ \Surname\\%


   \opening{Dear \DTLifnullorempty{\Title}{\Forenames}{\Title} \Surname}

   This is an imaginary letter.

   This is the second paragraph of the letter.

   \closing{Yours sincerely}

   \ps PS: this is a postscript.

   \encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
    Photocopy of something rather dull}

   \cc{Prof Important Person\\Dr Bor Ing}


Download mail-merging-scrlttr2.tex or mail-merging-scrlttr2.pdf.

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