Exercise 25: Creating an Exam Paper with the exsheets Package (Solution)
This is a solution to Exercise 24.\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{exsheets} \usepackage{paralist} \SetupExSheets{solution/print=true} \SetupExSheets{question/type=exam} \SetupExSheets[points]{name=point,name-plural=points} \begin{document} This exam is worth \totalpoints. \begin{question}{3} Find the derivatives with respect to $x$ of the following functions: \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item (\points{0.5}) $y = x + 1$ \item (\points{1}) $y = x^3 + 4x^2 - x + 3$ \item (\points{1.5}) $y = \cos(x^2)$ \end{enumerate} \end{question} \begin{solution} \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item $y' = 1$ \item $y' = 3x^2 + 8x - 1$ \item $y' = -2x\sin(x^2)$ \end{enumerate} \end{solution} \begin{question}{1} Which of the following ingredients are used in mind-controlling cookies? \begin{inparaenum}[(A)] \item arsenic \item cyanide \item curare \item\label{correct-ingredient} secret genetically modified sugar beet \end{inparaenum} \end{question} \begin{solution} Correct choice: \ref{correct-ingredient}. \end{solution} \end{document}
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