Latest news 2024-10-15: New blog post: Tales for Our Times Book Launch.


Only strictly necessary cookies are set by default. These are required in order for the site to function correctly. Optional cookies are not set by default. All cookies used by this site are listed in the cookie page. This page can be used to hide the cookie notice in the page title banner. If that’s the only change you want to make, select the "Hide" button in the banner section and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Save Settings" button.

You can adjust some of the style settings for this site. However, a cookie is required in order to remember your selection. This is an optional cookie that is only set if you explicitly change the default settings using this page. You can delete the cookie through this form or using your web browser’s privacy/cookie settings. When the cookie is deleted, the site will revert to its default settings. Note that the “Delete Cookie” button below simply instructs your browser that the cookie has expired. Your browser should then delete it when the current session finishes (that is, when you close your browser) but some browsers may leave expired cookies for a later clean-up operation.

Cookie “dickimaw_settings” currently not set.

If you like the style currently in effect on this page, you can share this preview link which will enable others to see the style without overriding their own style. (Although if their browser doesn’t use the same font as yours, the effect may be different.)


The “Dickimaw Books” banner has elements that can be hidden. The cookie notice setting also applies to the shop and blog.

Cookie notice:

RSS and social media buttons:


If you have a narrow screen or low bandwidth, the online store has smaller images that can be used instead of the standard ones. Some of the other scripts on this site may also use this setting, but it’s not used by static pages.

Skip other settings.


Links that open a new tab or window are or with the following symbol:

For example, the following link opens a new window or tab (depending on your browser settings): Dickimaw Books. (These types of link are being phased out on this site.)

Permalinks are denoted with:

Side Panel and Table of Contents

Navigational lists use custom markers (but not on all pages):

Top level:
Current level 1 item:
Second level:
Current level 2 item:
Third level:
Current level 3 item:
Fourth level:
Current level 4 item:

For example:

  • First (current)
    • Subitem 1
    • Subitem 2 (current)
      • Subsubitem 1
      • Subsubitem 2 (current)
        • Subsubsubitem 1
        • Subsubsubitem 2 (current)
    • Subitem 3
  • Second
  • Third

Custom text list markers are easier to implement and look better with CSS3 but not all browsers support this, so a CSS2 alternative is used by default. In the list below, do the list items start with the section marker § (CSS3 support) or do they use the default list marker (usually a small filled circle)?

  • First item.
  • Second item.

Browser shows:


These settings are for forms on the main site (not including the shop or blog).


Text for search/find button:

Text for view button:


Previous Page:

Next Page:



The accesskey attribute allows a way of accessing a form element using the keyboard, but the actual activation depends on your browser (for example, on Firefox you need to press down both Shift and Alt followed by the access key). This can help with accessing the form elements if you are unable to use, or have difficulty using, the mouse. However it can also cause a form to be submitted or changed in error through an accidental key press or can conflict with the browser's shortcuts. Therefore you can choose whether or not to include accesskey in form elements. (Not all elements have an accesskey even if this setting is on.)

If you choose a page style that has the hamburger menu button, then both "Include accesskey" options will set the accesskey to "M" for that button, but the key won't be shown next to the button even if you have chosen the "show key" option.

Other Symbols

Missing images (for example, a book cover that hasn’t yet been designed) are denoted with:

Page Style

You can choose which page style you prefer for the main part of this site (doesn't include the shop or blog). Note that for the "with side panel" styles, the side panel will always be moved to below the navigation bar if the window/screen width is too narrow to support it. The sticky hamburger styles hide the side panel and only show it when the hamburger menu button is clicked, which requires JavaScript. The sticky part requires a browser that recognises the position: sticky or position: -webkit-sticky CSS property.



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Click on "Preview" to reload this page with the given settings. This won’t create a cookie, and the settings will be forgotten if you move to a new page. Click on "Save Settings" to save the settings in a cookie.