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Exercise 22: Displaying Times (Solution)

This is a solution to Exercise 22.

The solution to the easy part of the exercise is just:


\def\@printdatetime#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6#7#8\@endprintdatetime{%
  \printdate{#1-#2-#3}\ \timefmt{#4}{#5}{#6#7}{#8}%
The solution to the more adventurous part requires some arithmetic:


\def\@printzuludatetime#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6#7#8\@endprintzuludatetime{%
%(\count@ is a temporary scratch count register)
% First adjust the minute offset if non-zero
% Add or subtract the offset minute
      \advance\count@ by \thetimezoneminute\relax
      \advance\count@ by -\thetimezoneminute\relax
% Does the hour need adjusting?
      \advance\count@ by 60\relax
% Need to subtract 1 from the hour
% but does the day need adjusting?
% Day needs adjusting.
       \advance\julianday by -1\relax
% Subtract 1 from the hour
        \count@ = \thehour\relax
        \advance\count@ by -1\relax
% Minute isn't negative. Is it >= 60?
        \advance\count@ by -60\relax
% Add 1 to the hour
        \count@ = \thehour\relax
        \advance\count@ by 1\relax
% Does the day need adjusting?
          \advance\julianday by 1\relax
% Now adjust the hour offset if non-zero
    \advance\count@ by -\thetimezonehour\relax
% Does the day need adjusting?
      \advance\count@ by 24\relax
      \advance\julianday by -1\relax
      \advance\count@ by -24\relax
      \advance\julianday by 1\relax
% Display result:

Download mycustomdatetime.sty.

Here's the code for the sample document:



\section{Easy part}

Display dates including time zone:

\printdatetime{2014-03-25 01:23:15+00:00}

\printdatetime{2014-03-24 23:31:58+01:00}

\printdatetime{2014-03-24 16:28:56-06:00}

\printdatetime{2014-03-24 14:45:23+08:00}

\printdatetime{2014-03-25 03:12:04-04:30}

\printdatetime{2014-03-24 03:45:24-04:30}

\printdatetime{2014-03-24 21:20:24+05:45}

\section{Common Time Zone}
Display dates in UTC+00:00 time zone:

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-25 01:23:15+00:00}

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-24 23:31:58+01:00}

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-24 16:28:56-06:00}

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-24 14:45:23+08:00}

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-25 03:12:04-04:30}

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-24 03:45:24-04:30}

\printzuludatetime{2014-03-24 21:20:24+05:45}


Download disptimes.tex or disptimes.pdf.

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