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Most of FlowframTk's mouse functions can be emulated using the keyboard, however note that some systems do not allow applications to move the pointer, so keyboard functions that move the pointer are not guaranteed to work on every system. Keyboard accelerators and their menu mnemonic equivalents are listed in Table 2.1. These accelerators may be changed using the Accelerators Tab in the Configure User Interface window. In addition, there are also keyboard accelerators for the JavaHelp system. These are listed in Table 2.2 but are not configurable as far as I know. F10 switches the focus to the menu bar. The Enter key will usually be equivalent to the Okay button except when the focus is with a component that interprets Enter for some other purpose (such as a drop-down list), in which case you need to use Shift-Enter.

Within editable text fields, you can use Ctrl-A to select all the text, or Shift followed by the left or right arrow key to select a portion of the text. If some of the text has been selected, you can use Ctrl-C or Ctrl-X to copy or cut the text onto the clipboard, and you can use Ctrl-V to paste text from the clipboard into the text field.

Note that a few of the accelerators used by JpgfDraw have been changed in FlowframTk, as they caused a conflict. For example, Escape cancels a displayed menu, so if you use it to dismiss a menu while you had a path under construction, the entire path could be discarded, which is undesirable. Therefore the abandon path accelerator is now Shift-Escape. The F1 key is now only for the main manual help button. The help buttons in dialog windows and the preamble editor are activated with Shift-F1 and the help button is the status bar is activated with Ctrl-F1 (otherwise the main help button, preamble editor help button and status bar help button would conflict).

Table 2.1: Keyboard Accelerators and Menu Mnemonics
Accelerator Function Mnemonic
Enter Finish current path/text area or Alt-O F
  Select Okay or Close button in dialog boxes  
Shift-Enter Select Okay button in dialog boxes  
Shift-Escape Abandon current path Alt-O A
Escape Select Cancel button in dialog boxes or close displayed menu  
Delete Delete selected control point F3 Alt-D
Backspace Delete last segment (path construction mode)  
Insert Add control point or F3 Alt-A
  Display symbol dialog box F3 Alt-I
Tab Move focus to next focusable component  
Space Select component with current focus  
PageUp Scroll up by one screen full  
PageDown Scroll down by one screen full  
Ctrl-PageDown If in a tabbed pane:  
          Move to the next tab  
          Scroll right by one screen full  
Ctrl-PageUp If in a tabbed pane:  
          Move to the previous tab  
          Scroll left by one screen full  
Arrow Keys If left mouse button pressed:  
          move mouse by one pixel in given direction  
          scroll by one tick mark in given direction  
Home Scroll to the top of the canvas  
End Scroll to the bottom of the canvas  
Ctrl-Home Scroll leftmost  
Ctrl-End Scroll rightmost  
F1 Display Handbook Alt-H H
F2 Show/hide grid Alt-S G S
F3 Show canvas popup menu (if available for current mode)  
F4 Emulate primary-click in construction mode  
F5 Go to coordinate Alt-N G
F6 Select mode:  
          deselect the back-most selected object, and select next object in the stack Alt-N K
  Edit mode:  
          select next control point F3 Alt-N
F7 Select mode:  
          Move selected objects Alt-E M
  Edit mode:  
          Move selected control point F3 Alt-R
F8 Undo Alt-E U
F9 Redo Alt-E R
F10 Switch focus to menu bar  
F11 Repaint canvas  
Ctrl-F1 Display current tool help (status bar help button)  
Ctrl-F11 Saves all images to configuration directory  
Shift-F1 Display subject help (help buttons in dialog windows or preamble editor)  
Shift-F2 Lock/unlock grid Alt-S G L
Shift-F5 Select next object in the stack (from the front),
and deselect all others
Alt-N S
Shift-F6 Select mode:  
          Add next object in the stack (from the front) to selection Alt-N A
  Edit mode:  
          select previous control point F3 Alt-V
Shift-F7 Find selected objects Alt-N F
Shift-F11 Displays debugging information  
Ctrl+Shift-F11 Writes log file in the configuration directory  
Alt-F4 Quit Alt-F Q
Ctrl-A Select all objects Alt-E A
Ctrl-B Move selected objects to the back Alt-E B
Ctrl-C Copy selected objects to clipboard Alt-E C
Ctrl-D Convert outline to a path Alt-T C
Ctrl-E Switch to ellipse tool Alt-O E
Ctrl-F Select mode:  
          Move selected objects to the front Alt-E F
  TeX editor:  
          Find text Alt-S F
Ctrl-G Select mode:  
          Group selected objects Alt-T G
  TeX editor:  
          Find again Alt-S A
Ctrl-H Select mode:  
          Shear selected objects Alt-T H
  TeX editor:  
          Find and Replace text Alt-S R
Ctrl-I Edit selected path Alt-E H E
Ctrl-J Merge selected paths Alt-T M
Ctrl-K Switch to open curve tool Alt-O C
Ctrl-L Switch to open line tool Alt-O L
Ctrl-M Gap function Alt-O G
Ctrl-N New canvas Alt-F N
Ctrl-O Open JDR or AJR file Alt-F O
Ctrl-P Switch to select tool Alt-O S
Ctrl-Q Quit Alt-F Q
Ctrl-R Switch to rectangle tool Alt-O R
Ctrl-S Save current image Alt-F S
Ctrl-T Switch to text tool Alt-O T
Ctrl-U Ungroup selected groups Alt-T U
Ctrl-V Paste objects from clipboard Alt-E P
Ctrl-W Rotate selected objects Alt-T R
Ctrl-X Cut selected objects Alt-E T
Ctrl-Y Edit the selected paths' line styles Alt-E H S A
Ctrl-Z Scale selected objects Alt-T S
Ctrl+Shift-A Deselect all Alt-E D
Ctrl+Shift-B Move selected object down the stack Alt-E W
Ctrl+Shift-F Move selected object up the stack Alt-E V
Ctrl+Shift-I Edit selected text Alt-E X E
Ctrl+Shift-K Switch to closed curve tool Alt-O U
Ctrl+Shift-L Switch to closed line tool Alt-O I
Ctrl+Shift-T Switch to maths mode tool Alt-O M
Alt-1...Alt-8 Linear gradient paint direction selectors  
Alt-1...Alt-9 Radial gradient paint start location selectors
Functions that move the pointer

Table 2.2: JavaHelp Viewer Shortcut Keys
Key Function
Ctrl-F1 Displays alternative text for the toolbar button that currently has the focus.
F6 Moves the focus between the navigation pane and content pane.
Tab Traverses through the viewer.
Shift-Tab Traverses backwards through the viewer.
Space Activates the toolbar button with the current focus.
Ctrl-Space Follows a link in the content pane.
F8 Selects the splitter bar between the navigator pane and the content pane.
Left/Right Arrow If the splitter bar is selected:
    Moves the splitter bar to the left/right
If in the navigator pane:
    Moves to another navigator tab
If in the viewer's toolbar:
    Moves the focus to the next toolbar button
If in the content pane:
    Moves one character to the left/right.
Up/Down Arrow If the splitter bar is selected:
    Moves the splitter bar to the left/right
If in the navigator pane:
    Selects the previous/next item in the list
If in the content pane:
    Moves the focus to the previous/next line.
Home Selects the first item in the navigator list.
End Selects the last item in the navigator list.
Ctrl-Home Selects the first line in the content pane.
Ctrl-End Selects the last line in the content pane.
Ctrl-T Shifts focus to the next link in the content pane.
Ctrl+Shift-T Shifts the focus to the previous link in the content pane.

See also:

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