Bug Tracker 
I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)
ID | 141🔗 |
Date: | 2020-01-19 16:08:34 |
Status | Closed (Fixed) |
Category | jmlr |
Version | 1.25 |
Summary | Issues with very long author names |
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As described elsewhere (https://github.com/MIDL-Conference/MIDLLatexTemplate/issues/8), when the JMLR class is used with authors list that should be spanning several pages, the rendered pdf has several issued. This is mostly related to the use of a (unbreakable) vbox in\@jmlrmaketitle
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\documentclass[pmlr]{jmlr} % Include author names \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{mwe} \usepackage{comment} %\input{many-authors-hack} \title[Short Title]{Full Title of Article} \begin{comment} \author{ \Name{Author A \nametag{$^{1,2,3}$}} \\ \addr $^{1}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{2}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{3}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name{Author B \nametag{$^{2,3,4}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{4}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country } \end{comment} %\begin{comment} \author{ \Name{Author A \nametag{$^{1,2,3}$}} \\ \addr $^{1}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{2}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{3}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name{Author B \nametag{$^{2,3,4}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{4}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name{Author C \nametag{$^{2,3,4}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name{Author D \nametag{$^{2,3,4,5}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{5}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name{Author E \nametag{$^{2,3,4,5}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name{Author F \nametag{$^{2,3,4,5}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[6,7]{Author G \nametag{$^{6,7}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{6}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{7}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[6,7]{Author H \nametag{$^{6,7}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[8]{Author I \nametag{$^{8}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{8}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[9,10]{Author J \nametag{$^{9,10}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{9}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{10}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[9,10]{Author K \nametag{$^{9,10}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[11,12]{Author L \nametag{$^{11,12}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{11}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{12}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[13,14]{Author M \nametag{$^{13, 14}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{13}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{14}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[13,14]{Author N \nametag{$^{13,14}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[15,16,17]{Author O \nametag{$^{15,16,17}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{15}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \\ \addr $^{16}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country\\ \addr $^{17}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[15,16,17]{Author P \nametag{$^{15,16,17}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[15,18]{Author Q \nametag{$^{15,18}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{18}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[15,18,19]{Author R \nametag{$^{15,18,19}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{19}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[20,21]{Author S \nametag{$^{20,21}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{20}$ German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg and German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) partner site Tübingen, Germany \\ \addr $^{21}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country\AND \Name[20,21]{Author T \nametag{$^{20,21}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[2,3,5,22]{Author U \nametag{$^{2,3,5,22}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{22}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[2,3,4,5,22]{Author V \nametag{$^{2,3,4,5,22}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[2,3,4,5,22]{Author W \nametag{$^{2,3,4,5,22}$}} \Email{} \\ \Name[2,3,4,5,22,23]{Author X \nametag{$^{2,3,4,5,22,23}$}} \Email{} \\ \addr $^{23}$ very long affiliation which needs probably from two to three lines or maybe more on a rendered pdf and is honestly very long indeed, City, Country \AND \Name[2,3,5]{Author Y \nametag{$^{2,3,5}$}} \Email{} } %\end{comment} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \blindtext \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} List of keywords, comma separated. \end{keywords} \section{Introduction} \Blindtext[5][2] \acks{\blindtext} \end{document}
Now fixed in v1.26 (2020-01-31). Note that the fix only applies for the default one column mode (as used in your MWE). It's still not possible to have a page break with two column mode as then the title and author information is placed in the optional argument of \twocolumn
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