Latest news 2024-08-12: Crime fiction short story The Briefcase is now available.

Feature Request (Page 1 of 3)

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It can take me a long time to deal with feature requests for free software, and I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to incorporate your request, but when I do a major update for the particular package or application, I’ll look into it. Please note, this form is for requesting new features. Don’t use it if you simply want to know how to do something. Instead, post your question to a relevant newsgroup, forum or similar site. Before using this form, please consider the following:

Adding a new feature isn’t just a simple matter of inserting a few new lines of code. The package has to be thoroughly tested to ensure the new code doesn’t break existing features. For a package with a high number of options (such as glossaries) this can be quite time consuming.

If the relevant class, package or application isn't listed, then it's not open to feature requests on this site.

Please use the GitHub issue tracker for the following:

I’m looking for volunteers to take over the maintenance of the following packages:

I wrote these for other people and don’t use them myself. It would be better if they were developed by someone who actively uses them on a regular basis. If you are willing to take over either of them, contact me and I will notify CTAN.

You may cross-reference another feature request using the “Cross-reference” field on the next page (optional).

The feature request will be checked for spam before being added to the feature tracker.

Since you are not logged in, you will have to periodically check the feature request tracker to find the post.

Fields marked * are required.
