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Curve Paths

opencurveup.pngTo construct an open curve path, select the open curve tool, either by clicking on the open curve button or by selecting Tools->Open Curve (Ctrl-K).

closedcurveup.pngTo construct a closed curve path, select the closed curve tool, either by clicking on the closed curve button or by selecting Tools->Closed Curve (Ctrl+Shift-K).

Use the primary mouse button to click on each vertex in the path. There is no way to specify the location of the control points defining the curvature of the path whilst the path is under construction, however, once the path has been completed, it is possible to move these control points using the edit path function.

To complete the path, do one of the following:

If you have used the closed curve tool, the path will automatically be closed by inserting a curve between the end vertex and the initial vertex.

See also:


... accidentally6.1
You may, of course, want to do this intentionally, in which case ignore this caveat.

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