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Found 69 items for year 2018.
December 2018
- 2018-12-07
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-russian and datetime2-samin. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 🔗Update: datatool version 2.31 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-12-04
- 🔗New bib2gls example added to gallery: Mini-Glossary Sample. Tags: gallery, software, tex.
- 2018-12-01
- 🔗New glossaries-extra example added to gallery: Mini-Glossary Sample. Tags: gallery, tex.
- 🔗Added new glossary-longextra.sty styles to the gallery. Tags: gallery, tex.
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.38 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
November 2018
- 2018-11-30
August 2018
- 2018-08-26
- 🔗New package: tex-locale released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-08-21
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-polish and datetime2-portuges. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-08-18
- 2018-08-13
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.35 released (bug fix). Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-08-09
- 🔗Added glossary-bookindex section to Gallery (All Styles Provided by glossaries). Tags: gallery, tex.
July 2018
- 2018-07-29
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.34 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-07-26
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.33 released (minor bug fix). Tags: ctan, tex.
- 🔗Blog post: Localisation on GoodReads. Tags: blog.
- 2018-07-24
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-magyar and datetime2-norsk. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-07-23
- 🔗Update: glossaries version 4.41 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-07-20
- 2018-07-07
- 2018-07-06
- 🔗Update: datatooltk version 1.9 released (minor bug fixes). Tags: ctan, software.
- 2018-07-04
- 🔗Added TeXstudio section to Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build. Tags: articles, software, tex.
- 2018-07-01
- 🔗75% off the ebook edition of crime/SF novel The Private Enemy from SmashWords throughout July 2018. Tags: books, fiction, promotions.
June 2018
- 2018-06-07
- 🔗Update: venndiagram version 1.2 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-06-01
- 🔗Minor update to Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build. Tags: articles, software, tex.
- 🔗Update: glossaries version 4.40 released (minor bug fix). Tags: ctan, tex.
May 2018
- 2018-05-24
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.32 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-05-23
- 🔗New article: Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build. Tags: articles, software, tex.
- 🔗Update: makeglossariesgui version 2.1 released. Tags: ctan, software, tex.
- 🔗Update: glossaries version 4.39 released (minor edits to docs and version info). Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-05-18
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-latin and datetime2-lsorbian. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-05-16
- 🔗Update: makejmlrbookgui version 0.9.6b released (bug fixes). Tags: software.
- 2018-05-13
- 2018-05-10
- 🔗Update: glossaries version 4.38 released (bug fixes). Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-05-09
- 2018-05-02
- 🔗Update: makejmlrbookgui version 0.9.5b released (bug fixes). Tags: software.
April 2018
- 2018-04-29
- 🔗Blog post: Turbot the Witch on GoodReads. Tags: blog.
- 2018-04-27
- 🔗Added General Dickimaw Books FAQ. Tags: faq, site.
- 2018-04-25
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.30 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-04-24
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-icelandic and datetime2-irish. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-04-18
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-greek and datetime2-hebrew. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-04-17
- 🔗Blog post: Alternative History on GoodReads. Tags: blog, books, fiction.
- 2018-04-16
- 2018-04-13
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-estonian and datetime2-galician. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 🔗Special offer: 20% off fiction books in the Dickimaw Books Store with order code e36a1ed4. Valid until 2018-04-29. Tags: books, fiction, promotions, shop.
- 2018-04-09
- 2018-04-07
- 🔗Update: glossaries version 4.37 released (minor internal maintenance). Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-04-06
- 🔗Bug fixes: datetime2-dutch and datetime2-esperanto. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-04-05
- 🔗Dickimaw Books StoreDickimaw Books Store has reopened. Tags: shop.
March 2018
- 2018-03-22
- 🔗“Report a Typo” page has moved to Tags: site.
- 2018-03-19
- 2018-03-12
- 2018-03-07
- 🔗Ebook edition of The Private Enemy on sale until 10th March 2018. Tags: books, fiction, promotions.
- 🔗Update: glossaries version 4.36 released (minor bug fixes). Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-03-06
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.28 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-03-05
- 2018-03-02
- 🔗New glossaries performance page. Tags: gallery, tex.
February 2018
- 2018-02-26
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.27 released. Tags: ctan, tex.
- 2018-02-25
- 2018-02-21
- 2018-02-17
- 🔗Contact form has moved to Tags: site.
- 2018-02-02
January 2018
- 2018-01-27
- 🔗Added datatool Performance page to the gallery. Tags: gallery, tex.
- 2018-01-26
- 🔗Update: datatooltk version 1.8 released. Tags: ctan, software, tex.
- 2018-01-21
- 🔗Update: datatooltk version 1.7 released. Tags: ctan, software, tex.
- 2018-01-05
- 🔗Update: glossaries-extra version 1.26 released. Tags: ctan, tex.