Bug Tracker 
I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)
ID | 96🔗 |
Date: | 2015-09-17 01:59:32 |
Status | Closed (Not a Bug) |
Category | glossaries |
Version | v4.11 |
Summary | dropping/missing entrys |
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The combination of tex.xdy and glossaries.sty in [example] resulted in the automated creation of input for xindy. That input if written by a human would clearly show a fundamental misunderstanding how xindy works, says Joachim (xindy).
should append the gls name ("foo") to the xindy-sort-key in order to make it unique (even after application of merge-rules).
MWE at stackexchange: Missing glossaries entry despite using \glsaddall
Discussion in xindy-discuss@... [xindy mailing list] [xindy mailing list] [xindy mailing list]
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\documentclass[10pt,ngerman]{scrbook} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[xindy]{imakeidx} \usepackage[xindy,acronym]{glossaries} \newglossary{symbolslist}{syiX1}{sygX1}{Symbolverzeichnis} \makeglossaries \makeindex \newglossaryentry{physical_t}{ type=symbolslist, name={\ensuremath{t}}, description={text t} } \newglossaryentry{physical_dt}{ type=symbolslist, name={\ensuremath{\Delta t}}, description={missing text delta} } \newglossaryentry{tau_k}{ type=symbolslist, name={\ensuremath{\tau_k}}, description={text tau} } \newglossaryentry{gamma_k}{ type=symbolslist, name={\ensuremath{\gamma_k}}, description={missing text gamma} } \newacronym{abc}{ABC}{the ABC thing} \begin{document} \glsaddall \printglossary[type=\acronymtype,style=long] \printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=long] \end{document}
This isn't a bug. The glossaries documentation states that you must provide the sort
key if the name
contains commands. For example:
\newglossaryentry{gamma_k}{ type=symbolslist, name={\ensuremath{\gamma_k}}, sort={gamma_k}, description={missing text gamma} }This is analogous to
where you can't do \index{\ensuremath{\gamma_k}}
but must do \index{gamma_k@\ensuremath{\gamma_k}}
The suggestion, if implemented in glossaries, would break plenty of existing documents that rely on the sort key behaving as documented (for example, dual-entry glossaries that use a prefixing system for the label). The solution is to either add the sort
key for each entry or provide a command that sets the sort key from the label. For example:
\newcommand*{\newsymbol}[2]{\newglossaryentry{#1}{sort=#1,type=symbolslist,#2}} \newsymbol{gamma_k}{name={\ensuremath{\gamma_k}}, description={missing text gamma}}
Update 2020-03-01: note that the glossaries-extra package's symbols
option provides \glsxtrnewsymbol
which does something very similar.
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