Bug Tracker 
I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)
ID | 55🔗 |
Date: | 2014-03-14 04:54:38 |
Status | Closed (Fixed) |
Category | makeglossaries (Perl) |
Version | 4.06 |
Summary | makeglossaries assumes 3 character extension |
OS | OS X 10.9.2 |
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Howdy,I'm using makeglossaries to create one glossary at a time. Unfortunately the makeglossaries script seems to be hard coded to expect exactly 3 character extensions.
The sampleacronyms.tex sample file defines a 4 character extension and
makeglossaries sampleacronyms.acn2fails.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
Bug fix diff:
229a230,233 > # (HS) changes fix for 3 character extension limit > my ($basename,$extension) = ($name =~ m/^(.*?)(?:\.([^\.]*))?$/); > # (HS) end of changes fix for 3 character extension limit > 232,238c236,244 < if (length($ARGV[0]) > 3 and substr($ARGV[0],-4,1) eq ".") < { < $name = substr($ARGV[0],0,length($ARGV[0])-4); < < $ext = substr($ARGV[0],-3,3); < < if (lc($ext) eq 'tex') --- > # (HS) changes fix for 3 character extension limit > #if (length($ARGV[0]) > 3 and substr($ARGV[0],-4,1) eq ".") > #{ > # $name = substr($ARGV[0],0,length($ARGV[0])-4); > # > # $ext = substr($ARGV[0],-3,3); > # > # if (lc($ext) eq 'tex') > if (length($extension) == 3 and lc($extension) eq 'tex') 245c251,257 < } --- > #} > # (HS) end of fix for 3 character extension limit > > # (HS) changes fix for 3 character extension limit > $ext = $extension; > $name = $basename; > # (HS) end of changes fix for 3 character extension limit
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%%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk % This file is public domain % If you want to use arara, you need the following directives: % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } \documentclass{article} \usepackage[acronym,footnote,acronymlists={main,acronym2}]{glossaries} \newglossary[alg2]{acronym2}{acr2}{acn2}{Statistical Acronyms} \makeglossaries \renewcommand{\glossaryname}{Calculus Acronyms} \newacronym[type=main]{vc}{VC}{Vector Calculus} \newacronym[type=main]{ftoc}{FTOC}{Fundamental Theorem of Calculus} \renewcommand{\acronymname}{Computer Acronyms} \newacronym{kb}{kb}{KiloBit} \newacronym{kB}{kB}{KiloByte} \newacronym[type=acronym2]{svm}{SVM}{Support Vector Machine} \begin{document} \section{Sample Section} \gls{kb}. \gls{kB}. \gls{vc}. \gls{ftoc}. \gls{svm}. \gls{kb}. \gls{kB}. \gls{vc}. \gls{ftoc}. \gls{svm}. \printglossaries \end{document}
Fixed in glossaries v4.08 update. (makeglossaries v2.15)
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