Bug Tracker 
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ID | 113🔗 |
Date: | 2016-08-14 06:58:04 |
Status | Closed (Fixed) |
Category | glossaries-extra |
Version | 1.06 |
Summary | \RestoreAcronyms throw errors Undefined control sequence \gls |
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From RestoreAcronyms throw errors Undefined control sequence \gls
when using \RestoreAcronyms
from glossaries-extra all \gls
works as previously in glossaries but I get "Undefined control sequence \gls" errors
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{memoir} \usepackage{glossaries-extra} \RestoreAcronyms \newacronym{label}{acronyme}{Definition} \newacronym[plural={acronyme pluriel},first={texte à afficher à la première occurrence},firstplural={idem, mais au pluriel}]{label2}{acronyme}{Définition} \makeglossaries \begin{document} \gls{label} foo \gls{label} foo \gls{label2} foo \gls{label2} foo \printglossary \end{document}My ultimate goal was to use
in headings as recommended but keeping the same behaviour of acronyms defined with \newacronym{label}{acronyme}{Definition}
: in glossaries-extra without RestoreAcronyms, label (from my MWE) will never be seen "full (short)" at first display but label2 yes. I rather prefer to don't change my whole glossary file!
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\documentclass[a4paper, titlepage, 12pt]{memoir} %\usepackage[toc=false]{glossaries} \usepackage{glossaries-extra} \RestoreAcronyms %\setabbreviationstyle{long-short-sc} \newacronym{label}{acronyme}{Définition} \newacronym[plural={acronyme pluriel},first={texte à afficher à la première occurrence},firstplural={idem, mais au pluriel}]{label2}{acronyme}{Définition} \makeglossaries \begin{document} \gls{label} bla \gls{label} de \gls{label} sqedgf \gls{label2} bla \gls{label2} de \gls{label2} sqedgf \printglossary \end{document}
Bug fixed in version 1.07 (2016-08-15). However, \RestoreAcronyms
is incompatible with \Glsfmtfull
. I recommend you just use
\setabbreviationstyle[acronym]{long-short-sc}instead of
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