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4.2 Changing the Page Style

Volume 1 described the command


which can be used to set the page style. The scrbook class defaults to the headings page style, but if this isn't appropriate, you can use the scrpage2 package, which comes with the KOMA-Script bundle. This package provides its own versions of the plain and headings page styles, called scrplain and scrheadings.

For simplicity, I'm assuming that your thesis is a one-sided document. If this isn't the case and your odd and even page styles need to be different, you'll need to consult the KOMA-Script documentation [8].

With the scrheadings page style, the page header and footer are both divided into three areas (Figure 4.1): the inner (left) head/foot, the centre head/foot and the outer (right) head/foot.

Figure 4.1: Page Header and Footer Elements

These elements can be set using:

\ihead[<scrplain inner head>]{<scrheadings inner head>}
\chead[<scrplain centre head>]{<scrheadings centre head>}
\ohead[<scrplain outer head>]{<scrheadings outer head>}
\ifoot[<scrplain inner foot>]{<scrheadings inner foot>}
\cfoot[<scrplain centre foot>]{<scrheadings centre foot>}
\ofoot[<scrplain outer foot>]{<scrheadings outer foot>}

In each case, the optional argument indicates what to do if the scrplain page style is in use and the mandatory argument indicates what to do if the scrheadings page style is in use. (If the optional argument is missing, no modification is made to the scrplain style.) Within both types of argument, you can use


to insert the current page number and


to insert the running heading. For example, suppose you are required to put your registration number on the bottom left of each page and the page number on the bottom right, and you are also required to put the current chapter or section heading at the top left of each page, unless it's the first page of a chapter. Then you can do:

Listing 8:



\newcommand{\myregnum}{123456789}% registration number

\ifoot[\myregnum]{\myregnum}% registration number

Note that the above don't use any font changing commands. If you want to change the font for the header and footer, you need to redefine \headfont. The page number style is given by \pnumfont. So for italic headers and footers with bold page numbers, you can redefine these commands as follows:


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