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Finding the Version Number


The Java GUI applications, such as flowframtk, have the version number written in the Help -> About dialogue box. Command line applications, such as makeglossaries, have a --version or -version option, which will display the version number. For example: makeglossaries --version.

LaTeX Packages

For LaTeX class files and packages, the version number will be written in the log file. For example, the following line indicates version 4.12 of the glossaries package:
Package: glossaries 2014/11/22 v4.12 (NLCT)
Note that this is for the base package. Independent packages or modules also have a version number. For example, the following line indicates version 1.0 of the glossaries-english module:
File: glossaries-english.ldf 2014/11/23 v1.0

LaTeX Books

The version number for LaTeX books can be found on the book’s home page or on the title page of the HTML/PDF versions or on the copyright page of the paperback versions.